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Ava Chan, Founder and President

Find out more:

Neurodiversity HK

To connect Neurotypicals with Neurodivergents. Empowering the neurodiversity community through respect, inclusion, and awareness. Our student-led initiatives foster understanding through creating programs catered to special needs individuals, and promote community-driven inclusiveness for a brighter, more inclusive future; for everyone to feel safe, valued and empowered. Neurodiversity HK has chapters at 6 international schools currently and are still expanding - CDNIS, CIS, GSIS, HKIS, DBS, KGV,

Ideas for collaboration

Calendar Pages

Key dates

When we could work together

All year around!

Gardening Shed


How we can work together

NGO & Charity

Businesswoman in Front of Crowd


Who we work for


©2023 Awkward Conversations

Accessibility Statement: We strive to make as accessible as possible. While we have made efforts to ensure accessibility, there may be areas we have missed. We value your feedback to help us improve. Please contact us with any accessibility concerns or suggestions. Thank you for visiting!

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